Thursday, June 30, 2011

Two of our awesome gardening volunteers Amber and her dog Guinness.

Monday, June 27, 2011

Dr. Helen Ruth Aspaas stands beside her grandparents' third phase Chief-style blanket. See third post below for information about the preparation of the blanket for exhibit.

Roses of all shapes and sizes are gracing the front of the museum building and making the summer heat a little more easy to bear.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Local historian and Fort Lewis College professor Duane Smith gave a tour of the Old Fort Lewis on June 11th. Over 60 people attended to learn about the former fort turned campus. If you'd like to learn more about Fort Lewis' history, check out the Frontier Blues exhibit at the Center of Southwest Studies.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Collections staff and volunteers were working hard this week to prepare a new Navajo blanket for exhibit in the Native American gallery. At right, Curator of Collections Jan Postler does final vacuuming on the blanket to remove hair that may not have been picked up while vacuuming through a screen. Above, volunteers Susan Jones and Dr. Helen Ruth Aspaas, the donor of the blanket, sew a twill tape and Velcro fastener to mount the late third phase chief-style blanket. Dr. Aspaas's grandparents used the blanket to keep warm while they slept on their porch in the wintertime near Breen, Colorado. At that time, it was devoutly believed that the fresh mountain air was good for health, so some La Plata County residents slept outside year round.

Dr. Helen Ruth Aspaas at work on her grandparents chief-style blanket.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Yellow roses are in bloom on the north side of the museum building. The Master Gardeners of Durango will be helping us revamp the museum's gardens this summer.